Warranty: 24 months
Offered Error Code Cleaner is standalone device. Using of it is very easy and fast, just:
- Turn ignition ON (and wait couple seconds)
- Plug in Eraser to diagnostic connector.
- Green lamp starts blinking, wait until turns into red.
- Switch ignition OFF and disconnect eraser, that’s all!
- All inactive errors from supported systems are cleared!
Iveco Euro 6 Eraser supported systems:
- Engine including Aftertreatment System
- Brakes – EBS
- Vehicle ECU VCM
- Tachograph (DTCO)
- Automatic Gearbox
- Retarder
Supported Models:
- EuroCargo 2019
This Device supports disabling Torque reduction / Speed reduction after Exhaust Aftertreatment System Failure !
The Error Code Cleaner check connection with the vehicle. If there is no connection with vehicle it inform about it with the “Error” indicator. Thanks to this you can be sure that unwanted errors have been removed!
Error Code Cleaner is equipped with tree controls:
- Power – is always Light when Cleaner have Power supply from diagnostic connector
- Working/Done – this LED blinks when eraser is working and is permanently on when eraser finishes work with success
- Error – is permanently ON if there is no connection with vehicle or blinks when device is connected to unsupported vehicle