Quality: Genuine
Manufacturer: Microtronik
Warranty: 12 months
What you get:
- Autohex II Hardware WVCI HW 5.
- BMW Software Lite Locksmith License.
- Key Programming License
- HexTag Programmer BDM and Key programmer.
- Free 30 days Chip Tuning License for Hextag.
- BMW ISTA/D driver to run dealer software.
- 1 year technical support.
- 1 year hardware warranty.
What you miss in this package:
- BMW E Series, F Series and G Series online Ecu Programming and Manual coding (can be ordered later)
- Modify ISN/SK in DME, DDE and CAS/FEM/BDC (can be ordered later)
- Reset EGS 6HP/8HP EWS (can be ordered later)
- Ecu Coding, and Vehicle Order managing (can be ordered later)
- ISN Reading from Tricore Ecus by boot mode. (can be ordered later)
Using this kit you can do following:
Only with Autohex: Read ISN in G Series:
MD1 and MG1 (MDG1) ISN Reading of following DME/DDE (writing is possible for some DMEs):
- DME_840
- DME_840H
- DME_84T0
- DME_860
- DME_86T0
- DME_880
- DME_88T0
- DDE803P
- DDE832C
Only with Autohex: Read and Write ISN in MD1 and MG1 F Series:
MD1 and MG1 (MDG1) ISN Reading of following DME/DDE:
- DME_83T1
- DME_840
- DME_841
- DME_841H
- DME_861
- DME_88T0
- DDE803
Read and Write All ISN in F Series:
Autohex II reads and writes all ISN of DME/DDE in F series:
- EDC17C41
- EDC17C41
- EDC17C50
- EDC17C56
- EDC17C76
- EDC17CP09
- EDC17CP45
- EDC17CP49
- MEVD17.2
- MEVD17.2.3
- MEVD17.2.4
- MEVD17.2.5
- MEVD17.2.6
- MEVD17.2.8
- MEVD17.2.9
- MEVD17.2.G
- MEVD17.2.H
- MEVD17.2.P
Read and Write All Long ISN in E Series:
Autohex II reads all ISN of DME/DDE in E series:
- EDC17C06
- EDC17C41
- EDC17C50
- EDC17C56
- EDC17C76
- EDC17CP02
- EDC17CP09
- EDC17CP45
- EDC17CP49
- MSV80
- MSV80.1
- MSD80
- MSD81
- MSD85
- MSD85Y
- MSS60
- MED17.2
- MEV17.2
- MEV17.2.2
- MEVD17.2
- MEVD17.2.2
- MEVD17.2.7
- MEV1746
- MEVD17.2.4
- MEVD17.2.5
- MEVD17.2.9
Read most of old ISN in E Series:
Autohex II reads the ISN of DME/DDE in E series:
- EDC16C1
- EDC16C31
- EDC16C35
- EDC16CP35
- ME9
- ME9.2
- ME9.2.2
- MEV9.2
- MSV70
- MS45
Indivedual Programming for any Ecu (DOIP Protocol)
Autohex II is the most advanced tool for BMW Ecu programming, it supports E series, F Series and G Series
CAS1, CAS2, CAS3, CAS3+, CAS4 and CAS4+ ISN
With Autohex II you can read and write ISN from all CAS versions in E and F series
Read ISN from all Trciore DME/DDE by boot mode
This function is important when the DME/DDE is not responding, and you need the ISN for replacement
BMW E series EGS ISN matching with CAS
You can reset EWS security from all BMW E series EGS by OBD
BMW F series EGS EWS Reset for 6HP and 8HP models
You can reset EWS in EGS 6HP (On Bench) and 8HP by OBD or On Bench
BMW E series, F series, and G series Auto Coding
Autohex II calculates the required coding data automatically from the car vehicle order, then it applies these data to the target module
Manual Coding in E Series and F Series
You can modify the Ecu coding to add and remove features in any Ecu in BMW cars
Managing the Vehicle Order (FA) in BMW cars
You can modify the Vehicle Order to do retrofit the configuration. You can also backup and restore the FA from the backup Ecu
Key Programming For E and F series
CAS1, CAS2, CAS3, CAS3+, CAS4 ,CAS4+, FEM and BDC are supported by Autohex II, this includes if all keys lost
Unlock Security from CAS4, CAS4+, FEM and BDC
You can unlock security of CAS4/4+, BDC and FEM to able to:
- Change CAS and BDC and FEM VIN
- Change CAS and BDC and FEM ISN
- Mileage Reset for CAS and BDC and FEM
- Making a key for CAS and BDC and FEM
Read and Write ISN on Bench for MSX8X
With Autohex II you can read ISN of MSD80, MSD81, MSD85, MSD85Y, MSD87, MSV90 in E/F series on Bench without opening the Ecu.
Hextag tool for chip tuning is included
Hextag is a powerful tool for Ecu cloning, Chip tuning, All CAS versions read/write and Key/EEPROM Reset, with Hextag:
- Ecu Cloning/Tuning for a wide range of brands. This function is free for 30 days
- Read and write CAS 1,2,3,4 and 4+ EEPROM and FLASH 100% safely
- Read and write other modules from BMW, Mercedes, Audi, and others BDM protocol
- Modify KOMBI (instrument cluster) Mileage
- Repair FRM for BMW in one click
- Renew all BMW keys, and many other brands